End Of Lease Cleaning Melbourne

We are your trusted partner for professional end of lease cleaning Melbourne. With our dedicated and expert bond cleaners team, we specialise in delivering top-notch bond cleaning or vacate cleaning services tailored to meet the highest standards set by landlords. From thorough inspections to meticulous sanitation, we ensure your rental property is returned in pristine condition, securing the full return of your bond deposit. Available 7 days a week.

GET QUOTE0413 298 622
end of lease cleaners Melbourne

Professional End Of Lease Cleaners Melbourne

Our team of professional cleaners are experts in end of lease cleaning Melbourne, delivering results that meet the highest standards. We understand that moving out of a rental property can be stressful, and getting your bond back depends on the condition of the home. That’s why we focus on providing a comprehensive cleaning service tailored to the specific needs of your property.
Our cleaners are trained to handle all aspects of move out cleaning, including kitchen appliances, bathrooms, floors, walls, windows, and more. We bring all the necessary equipment and eco-friendly cleaning supplies to ensure that every surface is cleaned thoroughly without causing any damage.
What sets us apart is our dedication to customer satisfaction. We take the time to go over every detail of the cleaning process, making sure no area is overlooked. Whether it’s tackling stubborn stains, removing dirt from hard-to-reach places, or polishing floors, we ensure that your home looks as good as new. With our reliable and efficient service, you can focus on the other aspects of your move, knowing that the cleaning is in good hands.

How to Book End Of Lease Cleaning in Melbourne

Booking our end of lease cleaning service is simple and hassle-free. Contact us online or by phone, provide details about your property size and cleaning needs, and we’ll give you an instant quote. We’ll arrange a convenient date, and our team will take care of the rest!


Top Rated Bond Cleaning in Melbourne

When it comes to bond cleaning in Melbourne, we’ve earned a reputation as one of the top-rated services in the city. Our dedication to high-quality cleaning and customer satisfaction is what sets us apart. Whether you’re moving out of an apartment, townhouse, or house, we understand the importance of delivering a spotless property that meets the standards of real estate agents and landlords.
Our bond cleaners Melbourne service is designed to cover every detail, ensuring that your property is in perfect condition for the final inspection. We follow a detailed checklist, cleaning everything from carpets and floors to walls, windows, and kitchen appliances. By paying attention to the smallest details, we help ensure that you get your bond back in full.
Our commitment to using high-quality cleaning products and the latest techniques means that we can handle even the most demanding cleaning jobs, leaving your property looking its best.

Bond Cleaning Melbourne
Move Out Cleaning in Melbourne

When Should You Book Move Out Cleaning in Melbourne

Timing is key when it comes to booking your move out cleaning in Melbourne. Ideally, you should schedule your cleaning service at least a week before your lease ends. This allows enough time for the cleaning to be completed, as well as for any potential touch-ups if needed, ensuring everything is in perfect order for the final inspection.
Booking early also gives you the flexibility to choose a time that best fits your moving schedule. If you wait until the last minute, you might risk limited availability or rushed services, which could affect the quality of the cleaning.
We recommend booking your cleaning right after you’ve finished packing and moved out most of your belongings. This makes the cleaning process more efficient, as our team can work freely without having to maneuver around furniture and boxes. If you’re short on time, we also offer same-day and next-day cleaning services, depending on availability, to accommodate last-minute bookings.
Getting your move-out cleaning done on time can significantly reduce stress during the moving process, giving you peace of mind that your property will be ready for its final inspection.

Secure Your Bond with Our 100% Bond Back Guarantee

One of the biggest concerns when moving out is whether you’ll get your full bond back. With our 100% bond back guarantee, you can have peace of mind knowing that we are committed to delivering the highest quality cleaning to meet your landlord’s expectations. If, for any reason, your landlord or property manager raises concerns about the cleaning, we’ll return to the property and address the issues at no extra cost.
Our cleaners follow a detailed checklist that aligns with the requirements of real estate agents and landlords, covering every part of the home, from kitchens and bathrooms to living areas and bedrooms. By ensuring that the property is cleaned thoroughly, we minimise the chances of any deductions from your bond.
In the rare instance that something is missed, our bond back guarantee means you can rely on us to return and rectify any concerns within 7 days of the service.

How Professional Vacate Cleaning Works in Melbourne

Our professional vacate cleaning Melbourne service is designed to make your move-out process as smooth as possible. Once you book our service, we’ll send a team of experienced cleaners to your property on the agreed date. They come equipped with all the necessary cleaning supplies and tools, so you won’t need to worry about providing anything.
The cleaning process begins with a thorough assessment of the property to identify areas that need extra attention. Our professional vacate cleaners will then get to work, cleaning every room in detail. In the kitchen, we clean inside and out of all appliances, cupboards, and surfaces. Bathrooms are scrubbed from top to bottom, including tiles, showers, bathtubs, and toilets. We also ensure all floors are vacuumed, mopped, and polished.
Throughout the service, we pay attention to areas that are often overlooked, such as skirting boards, light switches, and window sills. Our aim is to leave no spot untouched, ensuring that the property is in pristine condition. Once the cleaning is complete, we encourage you to inspect the property to ensure you’re fully satisfied. Our efficient and thorough process guarantees a stress-free moving experience.

Vacate Cleaning Melbourne

Affordable End of Lease Cleaning Checklist

Our end of lease cleaning checklist ensures that no area is overlooked, while remaining affordable for tenants throughout Melbourne. The checklist is based on the requirements of real estate agents and landlords, making sure that your property meets the highest standards for cleanliness before you hand over the keys.
The checklist covers all major areas of the home, including the following:

End Of Lease House Cleaning Melbourne


We clean all rooms, wipe surfaces, mop floors, and vacuum carpets. Extras like steam cleaning can be added.

End of Lease Office Cleaning Melbourne


Desks, floors, and surfaces are cleaned. Extras like carpet and window cleaning are available.

End Of Lease Carpet Cleaning Melbourne


Our service includes vacuuming, stain removal, and deep steam cleaning for fresh, spotless carpets.

Window Cleaning Melbourne


We clean windows inside and out, ensuring streak-free glass. Frames and sills are also wiped clean.

Enhance Your End of Lease Cleaning with Extra Services

We offer a range of additional services to enhance your end of lease cleaning, ensuring every aspect of your property is covered. These optional extras allow you to tailor the cleaning to your specific needs, helping ensure your property is in pristine condition for the final inspection.
Some of the most popular extra services include:

  • Oven and appliance cleaning: Deep cleaning of your oven, dishwasher, or other appliances to ensure they’re free of grease and grime.
  • Wall washing: Perfect for homes where marks, smudges, or dirt have accumulated on walls.
  • Balcony or outdoor area cleaning: For properties with outdoor spaces, we can sweep and clean balconies, patios, or driveways.

These add-ons ensure that no detail is overlooked, offering you a more personalised cleaning experience. You can choose the services that fit your needs and budget, giving your property the best chance of passing the final inspection.

end of lease cleaning Melbourne

Melbourne End of Lease Cleaning Prices

We understand that moving out can be expensive, so we aim to provide affordable end of lease cleaning prices without compromising on quality. Our pricing is competitive and based on the size and condition of your property, ensuring you get the best value for your money.
Prices typically start from $60 for smaller apartments and increase depending on the number of rooms, bathrooms, and any extra services you may require, such as carpet steam cleaning or window washing. For larger homes or properties that require more extensive cleaning, we offer customised quotes based on your specific needs.
Our transparent pricing means that there are no hidden fees or surprise charges. You’ll receive a detailed breakdown of costs upfront, so you know exactly what to expect. Whether you need a standard clean or more comprehensive service, we work with your budget to provide a tailored solution.

Why Choose Our Bright End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne Services

There are many reasons why tenants across Melbourne choose our end of lease cleaning services. Our commitment to quality, affordability, and customer satisfaction sets us apart from the competition.

  • Experienced cleaners: Our team consists of professional cleaners with years of experience in end of lease cleaning Melbourne, ensuring top-quality results every time.
  • Tailored services: We offer flexible cleaning packages to suit the size and condition of your property, along with optional add-on services for a more thorough cleaning.
  • Transparent pricing: Our pricing is straightforward, with no hidden fees. You’ll know exactly what you’re paying for upfront.
  • Bond back guarantee: We offer a 100% bond back guarantee, so if there are any issues with the cleaning, we’ll come back and fix them at no extra charge.
  • Eco-friendly products: We use safe, eco-friendly cleaning products that are tough on dirt but gentle on your home and the environment.

Book Your End of Lease Cleaning Services Today!

Moving out soon? Book your end of lease cleaning Melbourne with us today and experience a hassle-free service at an unbeatable price. With prices starting from just $60, we offer some of the most competitive rates in Melbourne while ensuring that the quality of our service remains exceptional.

What Clients Think of Our End of Lease Cleaning

Our clients are consistently impressed with the results of our end of lease cleaning Melbourne. Many of our customers have been able to secure their full bond back thanks to the thorough cleaning we provide. Here’s what some of them have to say:

Local & Professional End of Lease Cleaners Near You

Our team consists of local and professional end of lease cleaners who are highly experienced in delivering top-notch cleaning services across Melbourne. Being local means that our cleaners understand the specific requirements of Melbourne landlords and real estate agents, ensuring that your property meets the highest standards for move-out inspections.
We are proud to offer a trusted and reliable Rental Bond cleaning Melbourne service to tenants in all suburbs. Whether you’re located in the heart of the city or in the surrounding areas, we have cleaners near you who can quickly and efficiently clean your property. This local expertise also allows us to offer fast response times, including last-minute and same-day bookings, so you can meet your lease deadlines without stress.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you still require more information about our services, call 0413 298 622.

Why is end of lease cleaning important?

End of lease cleaning ensures your property meets the cleanliness standards set by your landlord or real estate agent. This helps secure the return of your bond. A thorough clean also leaves the property in good condition for the next tenant

Is end of lease cleaning compulsory?

While not always legally compulsory, most tenancy agreements require professional cleaning before vacating. Proper cleaning helps ensure you get your bond back and avoid disputes with landlords.

Can you guarantee bond back after end of lease cleaning?

Yes, we offer a 100% bond back guarantee. If your landlord is not satisfied with the cleaning, we will return to the property and rectify any issues, ensuring you meet the requirements to secure your bond.

When should I book an end of lease clean?

It’s best to book your end of lease clean at least 1-2 weeks before your move-out date. This ensures you can secure your preferred time slot and have enough time to address any last-minute issues.

How much does vacate cleaning cost?

Vacate cleaning prices in Melbourne start from $199 and vary depending on the size of the property and any extra services required. Larger homes or properties needing additional care may cost more.

How do I prepare for an end-of-lease clean?

To prepare, ensure the property is vacant and free of personal belongings. Remove furniture if possible, and let the cleaners know of any specific areas that need attention, such as stains or repairs.

Who provides the best cleaning services in Melbourne?

We are widely recognised for providing top-quality cleaning services in Melbourne. Our professional team, competitive prices, and 100% bond-back guarantee make us a trusted choice for tenants.

How much does end of lease cleaning in Melbourne cost?

End of lease cleaning costs in Melbourne typically start from $199 for apartments. The price depends on the size and condition of the property, and any additional services you may need, like carpet cleaning or window washing.

How long does an end of lease clean take?

An end of lease clean typically takes between 4-8 hours, depending on the size and condition of the property. Larger or more detailed cleans may take longer, especially if extra services are required.

What are the best end of lease cleaners in Melbourne?

We are proud to be considered one of the best end-of-lease cleaners in Melbourne. With our experienced team, competitive pricing, and bond-back guarantee, we provide top-quality cleaning services for tenants across the city.

Do you use a cleaning checklist?

Yes, we follow a detailed cleaning checklist approved by real estate agents and landlords. This ensures every part of your property is cleaned thoroughly, from the kitchen and bathrooms to windows and carpets.

What is included in end of lease cleaning?

End of lease cleaning covers all areas of the property, including deep cleaning kitchens, bathrooms, living spaces, and bedrooms. It also includes window cleaning, carpet vacuuming, and other tasks based on a detailed checklist.

What is the difference between an 'end of lease clean,' 'bond clean,' and 'vacate clean'?

These terms are often used interchangeably and refer to the same service. They all involve deep cleaning the property to meet the standards required to return the bond when vacating a rental property.

What is the 100% bond back guarantee?

Our 100% bond back guarantee ensures you’ll receive your full bond after our end of lease cleaning. If any issues arise, we’ll return to the property and address them free of charge, giving you peace of mind.